Our commitment to Planète Urgence
Protecting endangered forests : a global imperative
We have chosen also to contribute to reforestation around the world, collaborating with Planète Urgnce, a non-profit organization who combines reforestation with environmental awareness and economic development through the sustainable and common management of natural resources. Restoring ecosystems and strengthening communities’ livelihoods enables them to cope with climate change.
As a major player in the swimming pool sector at the European level, we have a duty to participate in a solidarity and sustainable project to contribute to the protection of our environment and future generations.
Aware of the impact of our work & transports methods and our own paper consumption by distributing our catalog, we were determined to set up a solid partnership with concrete actions.
Why choose Planète Urgence ?
Planète Urgence is an official NGO with registered charity status. Since 2007, Planète Urgence proposes an Environment and Development program with locally appropriate solutions which take into account the pressures on ecosystems. This consists in supporting projects initiated by local organisations which aim to reconcile local economic development and environmental protection.
The core of its action is reforestation, combined with the raising of environmental awareness and furthering economic development by structuring economic activity derived from natural resources to support sustainable and community-based management.
The programme enables communities to ensure their means of existence and their ability to increase their resilience to climate change.
You can find more information about active projects, involved communities and forests restoration: Planète Urgence.org
Concrete actions
Each of your Polytropic purchase orders is converted into trees planted in an endangered forest. You therefore contribute – up to one or more trees depending on the amount invoiced – to the Planète Urgence program combining economic development and environmental protection for Indonesia.
Indonesia alone is home to ¼ of the world’s mangroves. This as yet little-known coastal rainforest has considerable benefits. On a global scale, it isidentified as a key forest for global climate regulation, thanks to its carbon storage capacity.
The mangrove also allows to shelter a varied fauna, such as fish, shrimps and crabs, which find there the necessary nutrients to feed and reproduce.
It also acts as a barrier to extreme climatic events (tropical storms, tsunamis) and to sea and river level rise, thus reducing the risk of flooding of land and aquaculture ponds, livelihoods of local communities.
Finally, it is inhabited by endangered species, such as the nasal monkey, endemic to the island of Borneo.
Find out more about MAHAKAM Project | Restoration and local development